美国NPE国际塑料展览会是美国规模大、历史悠久的塑料展览会。从 1946 年开始,每三年举行一届,时至今日 NPE 在参展商、展览面积、规模、参观者人数等方面全面增长,吸引更多拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区及全球的买家参与。
在2018年5月,超过65,000+来自塑料相关行业和垂直市场的公司决策层、工程师和代理商将汇集在佛罗里达州的奥兰多。展览面积超过一百万平方英尺,与会者将包括来自100多个国家和超过23,,000家公司的采购团,代表全方位的最终用户市场团队,包括家电,汽车,消费类产品,建设和施工,电子,医药,包装,体育用品等,杨森携1出1金属拉丝垃圾桶IML550AG-1-A模内贴标系统;FP800G-WS3 1出4杯高速取出机械手,20L润滑油桶IML650AG-1-A模内贴标系统共3项明星产品联合力劲、泰瑞注两大注塑品牌参加此次盛会!
The NPE International Plastics Exhibition is a large-scale and long-standing plastic exhibition in the United States of America. It has been held every three years ever since 1946. Nowadays, NPE has been expanded in all aspects including number of exhibitors, scale of exhibition, and number of visitors and attracts more buyers from Latin America and the Caribbean and all over the world. In May 2018, more than 65000+'s decision - makers, engineers, and agents from the plastic-related industry and plastic vertical market will gather in Orlando, Florida. The exhibition area is over one million square feet, and the participants are from more than 100 countries and more than 23, 000 companies, representing an omni-directional end user market team which covers home appliances, cars, consumer products, construction and construction, electronics, medicine, packaging, sporting goods, and so on. In this grand gathering, Yang Sen will exhibite 3 star product which are 1 to 1 metal pulls. Silk garbage bucket in mould labeling system IML550AG-1-A ,1 out of 4 cups of high speed removal manipulator FP800G-WS3, 20L lubricating oil barrel in mould labeling system IML650AG-1-A, cooperating with Tederic and LK, the two well-known injection companies!
展位号 Hall:S22057
FP800G-WS3 1出4薄壁一次性水杯高速取出机械手,配合泰瑞DE180注塑机,水杯克重8.4g,模内时间<0.6S,稳定高效。
展位号 Hall:S1211