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YangSen industrial robot, 2017 November exhibition notice!

YangSen industrial robot, 2017 November exhibition notice! - create & enjoy intelligent equipment.


YangSen, Tederic will bring “In mold labeling system of IML550-BF-1”, “Spoon take out & sorting Automation with independent packaging system” at 2017SWOP (Shanghai) World packaging.

二、China  (Yuyao) International Plastics Expo 2017

YangSen will bring FG800G-WS2 high speed Robot, together with TLK injection molding machine 2017 China (Yuyao) International Plastics Expo.


1、YangSen will bring the FG950-ID5, FG800G-WS2 high speed robot Together with LK injection molding machine, show on 2017 the 30thIndonesia International Plastics and Rubber Exhibition.

2、YangSen will bring In mold labeling system IML250AD-4, with Tederic machine, exhibited in 2017 the 30th Indonesia International Plastics and Rubber Exhibition.

四、19th Dongguan International Plastics and packaging Exhibition

1、YangSen will bring the FP1000G-WS3 high-speed robot, with Tederic machine, exhibited in 2017 the 19th Dongguan International Plastics and packaging Exhibition.

2、YangSen will bring the FG750-IS3, FG850-WS5B robot, together with ARBURG injection molding machine, exhibited in 2017 the 19th Dongguan International Plastics and packaging Exhibition.

You are welcome to visit and discuss at Yang Sen booth, and all the staff of YangSen will serve you wholeheartedly!

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